

Jonathan Crystal is regulated by the Bar Standards Board, for regulatory information, please visit the BSB Code of Conduct page.

The members of Chambers are committed to excellence in all areas of service. We aim to deliver value for all our clients and welcome feedback on any aspect of the service we provide. You can provide feedback by contacting Satya Jeremie.

Chambers operates an open and transparent approach to fee negotiating and welcomes discussion about alternative terms on a case by case basis. Generally in privately funded matters, our most commonly used pricing model is agreed hourly fees.

We are happy to provide fee estimates in advance of work being undertaken and agree a timeline for the delivery of the work.

There are several factors which might influence the timescale of the provision of legal services. These include the complexity of the matter; the availability of the client, the barrister and any relevant third parties; the volume of documents to review; the need for additional information or documents; court waiting times and the urgency of the matter.

Jonathan Crystal is regulated by the Bar Standards Board. The Barristers’ Register is an online database which displays details of all barristers who are authorised to practise in England and Wales and have a current practising certificate, the dates of which are displayed on the register. The Register also includes information about barristers’ practising status, their practising address, the reserved legal activities they are authorised to undertake and whether they have been the subject of any disciplinary findings.

If you have an issue with the service we provide, please follow our complaints procedure, which is downloadable as a PDF here and linked below.

You may complain to the Legal Ombudsman, details of which are found in our complaints procedure

You may access the Legal Ombudsman’s data centre here.